printf() and scanf() function in C programming

 printf() and scanf() function in C programming

printf() : printf function is used in the c program when the programmer wants to print anything as it is in the output console. For this, the complete text needs to be written inside double-quotes. You can also use format specifiers such as %d, %c, %p, %f  to display the values assigned to the variables and pointers using printf function.

 Syntax of printf function:

                                                       printf("format string",argument_list);

Ex.   printf(“\nHello World”);

        printf(“\n addition of two number is= %d”,c)

printf is an inbuilt library function that was defined in #include< stdio.h> as includes the standard input-output library functions, so before use printf() in the program, we need to declare in the header file section.

scanf():  scanf() function is used in the c program to take input from the user. when you execute the program waits for user input and once the user provides values, it does the processing of the rest of the program which based on input values provided by the user. For this, the complete text needs to be written inside double-quotes. You can also use %d(integer), %c(character), %f(float) we also call it format strings to display the values assigned to the variables and pointers using scanf() function.

Syntax of scanf function:

                                                   scanf("format string",argument_list);

printf () and scanf() is inbuilt library function was defined in #include< stdio.h> as includes the standard input output library functions , so before  use printf() and scanf() in program we need to declare at beginning of program .

  Example : Use of printf() and scanf() function.


/*program to calculate the square of number*/



int main()


int i;


printf("Enter a number");   


printf("Square of number is:%d",i*i);   

return 0; 



Out Put:

Enter a number 4

Square of number is:16

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