Introduction to C Programming

Introduction to C Programming 

C programming is  a General-purpose programming language  is not a very high-level language nor  low level it is a middle-level language, originally  designed for implementation of Unix operating system by Dennis Ritchie in 1972, Most of the ideas of C programming is from the language BPCL which was developed by Martin Richards. Effect of BPCL on C programming processed indirectly through the language B, it was written by Ken Thompson in 1970  for the first  Unix operating system.

 until 1978 C was only used in Bell Laboratories, in 1978 Brian Kernighan  and Ritchie  published a description of a C programming language, computer professionals are impressed with C as its having   many desirable features to enhance programming skills  by the mid-1980 popularity of the C programming language increased as it used tools for working programmers  later  on it is used as a programming language, In  1983  a  committee was  established  to  create  an  ANSI  (American National Standards Institute) which defined the C language and after six years  in December 1989  ANSI C standard was adopted. First copy available in 1990 and in 1995 The standard was also adopted by ISO (International Standards Organization) and it is referred to as ANSI/ISO Standard.

Features of C programming

It is simple and easy to use the programming language, C is a reliable, case-sensitive language.

 It is a platform-independent language that can be run on all operating systems like Windows, UNIX and Linux etc. It can be run on a variety of hardware. 

 Most of the operating systems are written in C language like Windows, UNIX and Linux.

It supports the concept of modular programming.

 C is also used for commercial programs where the speed of the program of execution is important to get the expected result soon as possible.

 Most of the time it is used for writing bigger programs.

 The embedded system and its operating system program is usually written in C programming language as C programs run faster as well as consume very little memory as compared to other programming languages.

 C programming might be used in operating systems, language compilers, assembler, text editor, print spoolers, network drivers, modem programs, databases, utilities, and language interpreters.

 Basic Structure of C Program program structure

C Program Basically consists of the following parts:

  • Preprocessor commands
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Statements and Expressions
  • Comments

FFirst C Program:

# Include is command Which tells the compiler to include a particular file to include the content of a stdio.h file in the program converts the high-level language to the low-level language.

 function declaration<stdio.h> is used  for all functions related to input-output

  Int main()  with this function the execution of a C program starts from the main function, it tells the operating system to start execution of a program from the main function.

 printf() : printf function is a library function to send formatted output on the screen.

 \n is for a new line it means after the execution of the program cursor will move to the next line.

return 0  is used to exit status.

How to compile and execute the c program

By using two methods we can compile and execute the c program, by using a menu  of Turbo C software and by shortcut keys of your keyboard.

By menu execution

We need to click on the compile menu of Turbo  C software then  drag to compile sub-menu and click on compile the c program.

After compilation, if any error  present in the program compiler will give you an error message or warning message, we need to resolve this error or warning.

if there is no error or warning it will show one message your program compiled successfully with zero errors.

 then  click on the run menu  of Turbo C software then run sub-menu and click on run 

The output of the program will be a display on the screen.

By shortcut key execution

By just  pressing the Alt+f9 keys you can compile and pressing the ctrl+f9 keys you can run the program directly.

You can see the output on the console screen.

Process of execution

Pre-processor: as we design the program in high-level language its need to be converted into a machine language so first preprocessor delete all the comments from the program as comments are not a part of the coding we just place comments in coding  for future reviews and anyone can understand our code, Processor directive Expanded modified source program header files included and this will gives  pure high-level language code and this code is transfer to the compiler.

Compiler: Compiler  receive expanded code from preprocessor and convert source program into machine code, Compiler working is same for all machine architecture with specific changes in the machine.

Assembler:  the assembly code is converted into object code by using an assembler, check file generated by the assembler is the same as the source file.

 the extension of the object file in DOS is’ obj’  and in Unix operating system, the extension is ’o’. 

 if the filename of your source code is program1.c  then the name of the object file included   is   program1.obj.

Linker:  the main task of the linker is to combine the object code of the library file with the object code of a our program, pre executed library files will be stores on your machine at the time of installation of C Programming software. For example, if we are using getch(), clrscr()  function in a program, then the linker links its associated code in an output file. So linker basically is to link the object code of our program with the object code file of the library files.

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