Data Types in C

 Data Types in C

Data types are used for declaring variables or functions of different types before their use. The data type is required to identify the storage usage and the different type of operations that can be performed on that data.

Basically, Data Types divided into two categories.

Primary/ Primitive Data Type: Integer float, character

Secondary/Derived Data Type: Array, Pointer, Structure, Union, Enum. etc.

 Primary/ Primitive Data Type:

Integerint keyword used to define an integer data type, These contain whole numbers, it can be both positive and negative, if sign qualifier is not mentioned then consider sign qualifier as default, It must contain at least one digit, no decimal point is allowed in the declaration and %d format Specifier is used for input and output purposes. 

There are two types of type qualifier in c

Size qualifier: short, long

Sign qualifier: signed, unsigned

The size and range of the different data types on a 16-bit machine

Basic data type

Data type with type


Consume memory space in bytes



int or signed int

unsigned int

short int or signed short int

unsigned short int

long int or signed long int

unsigned long int







-32768 to 32767

0 to 65535

-128 to 127

0 to 255

-2147483648 to 2147483647

0 to 4294967295


Float:  float keyword used to define a float data type, These contain whole numbers with a fractional part , it can be positive and negative, if a sign qualifier not mentioned them consider sign qualifier as default, It must consist of a decimal point, and %f format Specifier is used for input and output purposes.

 Float  also having types called  as  double  and  long  double,  both  are keywords.

  double format specifier is %lf and  long double format specifier is  %Lf

Basic data type

Data type with type


Consume memory space in bytes





-3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38



Long double



.7E-308 to 1.7E+308

3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932

Character: char keyword used to define a character data type, The value may be a small letter or capital value contain It must be enclosed into the ‘ ‘ single quotes., and %c format Specifier is used for input and output purpose. When you declare a  group of characters is called a string which is enclosed into “ “ double quotes

Basic data type

Data type with type


Consume memory space in bytes



char or signed char

Unsigned char



-128 to 127

0 to 255

 Ex.   char ch= ’P’;

Secondary/Derived Data Type

 Array: It is a collection of objects of the same data type, Array elements are stored in contiguous memory Location

Ex. int a [10]; /*array of 10 elements whose name is ‘a’ and type is integer */

  Structure: It is a collection of objects of different data types.

Ex. struct student

    {  int rollno=25;

       Float marks=10.5;


Union: A collection of objects of different types, is also called structure. but the difference between structure and union is that union uses shared memory for variables while structure assigns separate memory to every variable.

Enumeration: It is a user-defined data type that allows the user to create their own data type values as required.

Ex. enum color {red, orange, green, black, white, pink, blue};


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